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News, Safety | September 2, 2010

Recent Volunteer Work with Camp Compass – Setting up Security Lighting

george-ladderRecently I volunteered my time for a great organization called Camp Compass. This organization does some wonderful work helping local kids.

To help out, I installed some security lighting to help prevent theft, vandalism, or crime. My electric supplier, Cash & Carry Electrical Supply, was gracious and donated the lights, wire, and hardware for the project.

For this project we installed lighting to light up the parking lot and building using energy efficient low maintenace secruity lighting

Over the years we have installed several security lighting projects and many of the times we have been called after a crime has already occurred. After the damage is done the police generally recommend the installation of some security lights to help prevent future crimes.

If you are a small business owner and haven’t thought about security lighting, now is the time to look into it. Give us a call to talk about the many cost efficient options available.

Call Now To Get Started

(610) 998-1761