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Archive for the ‘Safety’ Category

Outdoor Lighting Safety

Friday, March 9th, 2012

There are many things to consider when wiring and lighting your barns, garages and out buildings. Open bulb light fixtures can be unsafe because they can ignite fires if the bulbs are broken and even just the heat of an open bulb can ignite a fire.

Its a good idea to protect lights, switches, outlets and wiring from physical damage from farm tools, equipment and machinery as well as livestock and even rodents can chew through unprotected wires. Also its important to keep out the moisture as well as dust, debris and insects.

The two first pictures above show unsafe open bulb lighting and an unprotected switch and wiring at a sheep barn in Oxford, PA. The three final pictures show the new, safer lighting and wiring that we installed.

Advantages Of Adding A Sub-Panel

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Sub-panels are smaller electrical panels that can be used to extend the feed from the main panel. They can be installed in your home to increase the branch circuit capacity in a certain area. They can also be installed in out-buildings, garages and barns.

Installing a sub-panel for a remodel job such as finishing a basement or an addition can make the project easier and is a safer way to go. Using sub-panels can also be more cost friendly and cuts down on the need for long runs of expensive copper wire for your branch circuits. Having breaker switches closer to the area that they are protecting is safer and more convenient to turn off and to reset.

The top photo shows a sub panel that we installed in a basement in Cochranville, PA in Chester county, and below is another from a garage in Cochranville.

Generac Standby Generator in Oxford, PA

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

picture-036This Generac Standby generator in Oxford Pa was installed in 2002 and is working as good as the day it was installed.

These standby generators have an exerciser [timer] that starts up once a week and lets it run for a short time to keep the battery charged and to make sure that its ready and in good working order for when the utility power goes out. (more…)

Electric Power Lines and Ice Storm Safety

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011
This picture shows down live wires supplying power to a house in Oxford, PA.

This picture shows down live wires supplying power to a house in Oxford, PA.

The recent ice storm caused several outages in the Delaware Valley. PECO reported to have 100,000 customers without power in Delaware, Chester, Bucks and Montgomery counties.

When ice accumulates on the wires and on the trees, the wires become damaged from the excess weight and from the trees and branches that fall on the wires. (more…)

Safely Install Electrical Equipment in Outbuildings

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

picture-0321When installing electrical equipment in outbuilding such as barns, sheds and garages, it is important to consider basic electrical safety.

Electric is easy to take for granted and basic safety for your outlets can be overlooked. (more…)

Electric Safety Tips for the Holidays

Monday, December 20th, 2010

Southern Chester County Electric would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday. Here are some safety tips for the holiday season.

  • Make sure that all of your outside Christmas lights are plugged into GFCI protected outlets to prevent electric shock hazards.
  • Test your GFCI outlets and breakers to make sure they are working properly.
  • Approved weather proof covers should be used on all outside outlets to prevent water from entering outlets and plugs.
  • Never use a aluminum ladder when installing Christmas lights or any lights or wiring.

Long time friend Fred Venti and wife Carol enjoying a brisk night admiring the beautiful Christmas lights at the Simpers home.


Recent Volunteer Work with Camp Compass – Setting up Security Lighting

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

george-ladderRecently I volunteered my time for a great organization called Camp Compass. This organization does some wonderful work helping local kids. (more…)

Don’t Forget the Smoke Detectors

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

smoke-detectorIt’s that time of year again; time to change our clocks back, and also time to change the batteries of our smoke detectors.

Surge Protectors

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

it-surgeWith the recent storms we have had in our area, I received several calls for power outages. While investigating the outages in people’s homes, I found a lot of surge protectors to be blown out. (more…)

Summer Safety Tips

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

weatherproof-cover-6Southern Chester County Electric wants you to have a fun and safe summer and would like to give you some summer time safety tips.

Remember to test your GFCI breakers and GFCI outlets monthly. If the breakers or outlets are not working properly they should be replaced. These devices will prevent you and your family from electric shock.

Swimming pools, hot tubs and spas should all be protected by GFCI’s. It is important that you avoide running extension cords from inside the house to power outside equipments since your inside outlets are most likely not GFCI protected.

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